We all know it is a Seller's Market so why is data important to me?
Real estate data helps you decide if you are selling or buying your home for the right price. Data can be analyzed by town, or even by neighborhood, to support your offer and help with your negotiations.
of Inventory is a great way to get a “pulse” of the real estate market. This is
the amount of time it would take to sell all current listings at the current
sales pace if no new listings came on the market.
on Market is the average
number of days it takes a buyer to buy a home.
Median Sales Price is reflective of what most homes are selling for versus the average sales price which can be influenced by the extremes.
Number of New Listings reflects how many homes have come on the market for sale in a given time period.
Let us know if you want these statistics and more, with a complete analysis, for your town or neighborhood.